A message from the
Sixth Form Committee
The Sixth Form at Hagley provides a warm and nurturing Post 16 experience.
Students massively benefit from the dedicated and talented staff who work to ensure
growth and progress throughout the two years of Sixth Form. Whilst study is a huge part of the experience, we offer a range of extracurricular activities. This includes enrichment and social events that help alleviate the weight put on students by A-Levels
A strong support system is what makes Hagley unique and has been put in place to ensure that from day one you are cared for and guided to success. Form Tutors provide assistance for students to aid their personal development, whilst teachers help us thrive in the academic side of the Sixth Form.
Our bespoke and varied enrichment activities offer students a broad range of opportunities, to which they are able to enhance their skills. Regardless of your interests or ability, there is something for everyone to enjoy their Sixth Form experience. It will also enable you to widen your social circle.
Our inclusive environment, based on our strong Catholic ethos, creates a welcoming atmosphere to all and incorporates and encourages worship in your journey to success.
Our main goal at Hagley is not only to provide you with an enjoyable two years but to prepare you for life after Sixth Form. Regardless of your future pathway, Hagley Sixth Form will strive to help you reach your full potential and become a well-rounded adept individual.
We, as your student representatives, will work our hardest to create a comfortable and friendly feel within our Sixth Form. We will do this by organising social events throughout the year, including the Fresher’s event, Year 12 Garden Party and Year 13 Ball.
We welcome and encourage you to approach us for any student support, in order to help with important decisions, enrolment opportunities and general student life here at Hagley.
The Sixth Form Committee

Hagley Catholic High School
Support & Facilities
As a Sixth Former you will find that apart from the classroom or laboratory, there are two places which become very important: The Sixth Form Study Centre and the Common Room.
Sixth Formers do not just need ‘teaching time’. They also need ‘learning time’. You will not be taught all the time in the Sixth Form. You will have some time, about four hours per week, set aside for you to carry out the research you require for your Sixth Form studies.
For the first time in your life, you will have to structure periods of time for yourself and plan out your scheme of work. If you can cope with this, you will make a great success of your Sixth Form career. We try to make conditions as ideal as possible for you by providing teacher supervision during private study time. We believe that one of the reasons our Sixth Formers do so well when they go to university is that they have learned how to manage their own time during private study at school.
As a Sixth Former you will have a ‘home’, the Sixth Form Common Room. This facility is exclusive to Sixth Form and is somewhere you can recharge your batteries (as well as your phone!) and catch up with other members of the sixth form community.
You will find that socialising, talking and getting to know new friends in the years above and below you are an essential part of Sixth Form life.
Our Sixth Form Café serves hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, paninis, and light lunches for students to enjoy without having to leave the common room. Other snacks and drinks are available to buy from the vending machines.
During the course of Year 12 and 13, the Sixth Form tutor team ensure that all students gain an understanding of the options available to them after Sixth Form. To help them to prepare for the system of application and selection, whether it be higher education, an apprenticeship or employment. There is also an opportunity to undertake a work experience placement at the end of Year 12. In order to help students increase their awareness of Post 18 options, we run a Next Steps Programme in the Summer Term of Year 12.
We invite a host of visiting speakers to deliver workshops and seminars on university and apprenticeship opportunities. In addition, the whole year group takes part in the UCAS Discovery Event at the NEC, and we attend the University of Birmingham Open Day.
We also attend Oxbridge conferences and outreach trips each year. A large amount of extra, personalised help is available to those who are interested in applying to Oxford or Cambridge, as well as competitive courses like medicine, dentistry and veterinary. Our higher education mentoring scheme connects current Sixth Form students with former Hagley students, who have gone onto study these courses at the most prestigious universities in the UK and abroad.

Pastoral Support is at the heart of what makes Hagley Catholic Sixth Form so successful. All students have a form tutor who they see daily. This enables the tutor to get to know the students exceptionally well. In addition, there are focused programmes that support social and emotional needs relevant to all 16-18 year olds. There are further programmes that enable academic mentoring and offer expert advice on next steps for university and apprenticeships/employment. These programmes run through timetabled sessions on a Tuesday morning as well as super curricular opportunities for all students.
The Sixth Form Team currently comprises:
Mr M Behan | Head of Sixth Form | ||
Miss L Hegarty | Post 16 Pastoral Assistant | ||
Mrs S Elcock | Sixth Form Administrator | ||
Miss Hackett |
Designated Safeguarding Lead | ||
Miss Arnott | Year 12 Tutor | ||
Mrs Lawson | Year 12 Tutor | ||
Mrs Trinham | Year 12 Tutor | ||
Miss Jones | Year 12 Tutor | ||
Mrs Mann |
Year 12 Tutor | ||
Mrs Jones | Year 13 Tutor | ||
Miss Nicklin | Year 13 Tutor | ||
Mrs Bailey | Year 13 Tutor |
The team has a wealth of experience. We are always available to support students with both academic and pastoral needs. If you have any questions or issues you feel we could support you with, please don’t hesitate to knock on our door or contact us.
Academic Support
All students follow a curriculum comprising of 3 A Levels and the Extended Project Qualification. This we believe enables them to secure the necessary learning foundations to access university or higher-level apprenticeships.
We have a More Able and Gifted and Higher Education Plus (HE+) programme that supports students to access the prestigious institutions of Oxford or Cambridge or courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science.
As a Sixth Form we are not elitist and believe that there should be no glass ceilings for highest of ambitions and aspirations hence the additional support for ambitious and able students who wish to access the above pathways. This recruitment process is different and demands earlier preparation.
As a state provider, we are extremely successful at enabling students to gain entry into Oxbridge or Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Courses. We are successful year on year in enabling our students to compete and be successful in these pathways owing to the extensive programmes we have in place.
Every year for the past 5 years we have had students who have been successful in gaining offers and then converting their place at Oxbridge and in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science Courses.
Higher Education Programme
Hagley Catholic High School has a very established support programme to enable all students to access university or apprenticeship. This programme begins in the first term of Year 12 and enables students to access expert advice, guest speakers and other supercurricular visits and experiences.
Personalised Academic Mentoring
At Hagley Catholic High School, we monitor student progress very closely. Every six weeks a student's performance is reviewed by the Sixth Form team. If any under performance is registered, the appropriate interventions are put in place.
- Dedicated and supportive subject teachers
- Regular assessment and reporting schedule to facilitate early intervention and sustained progress.
- Higher education programme
- Expert applications support for both university courses and apprenticeship opportunities.
- HE+ Programme for Students applying to Russell Group Universities
- Trips to Worcester higher education exhibition and university open days
- Dedicated careers advisor
- SEND support via the Hub and SEND coordinator
Financial Support
Please contact Mrs Elcock selcock@emmausmac.com