Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team | ||
Mr J Hodgson | Principal | jhodgson@emmausmac.com |
Mrs K Morris | Vice Principal, Director of Sixth Form, DDSL, Teacher of English | kridge@emmausmac.com |
Mr G Barratt | Assistant Principal, Pastoral Lead Including Behaviour, Teacher of Physical Education | gbarratt@emmausmac.com |
Mrs T Brown | School Business Manager | tbrown@emmausmac.com |
Ms N Hackett | Assistant Principal, Designated Safeguarding Lead, SENCO, Mental Health & Inclusion, Teacher of English | nhackett@emmausmac.com |
Mr A Trickett | Assistant Principal, Pupil Progress Lead, Curriculum and Timetable, Data, E-Learning, Reports, Teacher of History | atrickett@emmausmac.com |
Teaching Staff | ||
Mrs M Aitken-Lomax | Teacher of English | mlomax@emmausmac.com |
Miss B Arnott | Teacher in Charge of EPQ, Teacher of English | barnott@emmausmac.com |
Mr H Allen | Curriculum Leader of Physics | hallen@emmausmac.com |
Mrs N Bailey | Teacher in Charge of Psychology | nbaileyreed@emmausmac.com |
Mrs E Barrett | Subject Leader of English | ebarrett@emmausmac.com |
Mr J Bayliffe | Teacher of Geography | jbayliffe@emmausmac.com |
Mr M Behan | Head of Sixth Form, Teacher of PE | mbehan@emmausmac.com |
Mrs S Bunn | Head of Year 10, Teacher of English | sbunn@emmausmac.com |
Mr M Button | Subject Leader of Design and Technology | mbutton@emmausmac.com |
Mrs J Chapman | Teacher of Mathematics | jchapman@emmausmac.com |
Mrs L Clements | Teacher of English Language with Responsibility for KS4 | lclements@emmausmac.com |
Mr S Connell | Second In Charge of PE | sconnell@emmausmac.com |
Mr C Desmond | Assistant Subject Leader of Mathematics | cdesmond@emmausmac.com |
Miss M Devive | Head of Year 9, Teacher of PE, Character and Culture Coordinator | mdevine@emmausmac.com |
Mr V Dhingra | Teacher of Mathematics | vdhingra@emmausmac.com |
Mrs K Dunk | Teacher of Geography | kdunk@emmausmac.com |
Mrs D Eagles | Assistant Subject Leader of Mathematics | deagles@emmausmac.com |
Mrs H Evans | Teacher of MFL | hevans@emmausmac.com |
Mrs D Fairclough | Subject Leader of Science | dfairclough@emmausmac.com |
Mr P Farley | Subject Leader of Religious Education | pfarley@emmausmac.com |
Mrs C Foster | Teacher of Music | cfoster@emmausmac.com |
Mrs E French | Subject Leader of Computing | efrench@emmausmac.com |
Mr D Goddard | Teacher of Technology | dgoddard@emmausmac.com |
Mrs H Granger | Teacher of Science | hgranger@emmausmac.com |
Miss L Hegarty | Teacher of Science, Pastoral Lead Sixth Form | lhegarty@emmausmac.com |
Miss C Heywood | Teacher of Science | cheywood@emmausmac.com |
Miss C Higgins | Assistant Subject Leader for Science; Curriculum Leader of Chemistry | chiggins@emmausmac.com |
Ms S Hingston | Teacher of Food Preparation and Nutrition | shingston@emmausmac.com |
Ms A Hitchcox | Teacher of Mathematics | ahitchcox@emmausmac.com |
Miss A Holland | Subject Leader of Mathematics | aholland@emmausmac.com |
Mrs L Imrie | Teacher of History, Head of Year 7 and Transition | limrie@emmausmac.com |
Miss P Jones | Teacher of Criminology and Psychology | pjones@emmausmac.com |
Mrs V Jones | Teacher of Computing | vjones@emmausmac.com |
Mrs C Kirk | Teacher of Religious Education | ckirk@emmausmac.com |
Mr D Lavender | Subject Leader of History | dlavender@emmausmac.com |
Mrs E Lawson | Teacher of English, Whole School Literacy Lead | elawson@emmausmac.com |
Mrs A Leyland-Richardson | Head of Year 8 (Maternity Leave), Teacher of History | aleyland@emmausmac.com |
Mr Mallinson | Subject Leader of Music | fmallinson@emmausmac.com |
Mrs K Mann | Subject Leader of Business Studies | kmann@emmausmac.com |
Miss R Mason | Assistant Subject Leader of English | rmason@emmausmac.com |
Mrs J McCole | Teacher of RE and Person In Charge of Catholic Life | jsmccole@emmausmac.com |
Miss F McKee | Teacher in Charge of Performing Arts | fmckee@emmausmac.com |
Mrs L Morrall | Teacher in Charge of Criminology | lmorrall@emmausmac.com |
Mrs N Motaban | Subject Leader of MFL | nmotaban@emmausmac.com |
Mr P Neenan | Teacher of MFL | pneenan@emmausmac.com |
Miss D Nicklin | Teacher of Mathematics, Duke of Edinburgh Award Coordinator | dnicklin@emmausmac.com |
Mrs M O'Loughlin | Teacher of Art and Design, Coordinator of School Voice | moloughlin@emmausmac.com |
Mrs P Oliver | Teacher of RE | poliver@emmausmac.com |
Mrs S Palmer | Head of Year 11, Teacher in Charge of Health and Social Care, Lead of Whole School Attendance | spalmer@emmausmac.com |
Mrs A Pinder | English Intervention Tutor | apinder@emmausmac.com |
Miss A Price | Assistant Subject Leader of Religious Education | aprice@emmausmac.com |
Mrs S Ravat | Teacher in Charge of Sociology | sravat@emmausmac.com |
Mr S Rich | Subject Leader of Physical Education | sarich@emmausmac.com |
Mr C Smith | Teacher of Music and Music Technology | csmith@emmausmac.com |
Mr K Smith | Teacher of Computing and IT, KS3 Computing Coordinator | kjsmith@emmausmac.com |
Miss L Smith | Curriculum Lead Teacher of Biology, Embedding Formative Assessment and Intervention | lsmith@emmausmac.com |
Mr A Sommerville | Teacher of Religious Education | asommerville@emmausmac.com |
Miss L Stockton | Teacher of Mathematics | lstockton@emmausmac.com |
Mrs N Stott | Subject Leader of Art and Design | nstott@emmausmac.com |
Mr M Williams | Subject Leader of Geography | mwilliams@emmausmac.com |
Mrs M Trinham | Teacher of Physical Education | mtrinham@emmausmac.com |
Miss N Williams | Teacher of Physical Education | nwilliams@emmausmac.com |
Mr D Jones | Teacher of Science, STEM Co-ordinator | DJones1@emmausmac.com |
Mrs R Winters | Head of Year 8 (Maternity Cover), Teacher of English | rwinters@emmausmac.com |
Support Staff | ||
Mr A Aziz | Site Officer | |
Miss K Chapman | Principals PA | |
Mrs D Anderson | Lead Science Technician | |
Mrs C Barnham | Learning Support Assistant | |
Mrs M Busst | Science Technician | |
Mrs T Brown | School Business Manager | tbrown@emmausmac.com |
Miss M Cleland | Inclusion and Safeguarding Officer | saferefuge_hchs@emmausmac.com |
Miss L Collier | Administration Assistant, Cover Manager | |
Mrs N Copitch | Careers Advisor | cadvisor@emmausmac.com |
Ms S Field | Design and Technology Technician | |
Mrs S Hazell | Receptionist | enquiry_hchs@emmausmac.com |
Mrs S Elcock | Sixth Form Administrator | selcock@emmausmac.com |
Mr J Franklin | Site Officer | |
Mr C Handley | Arts/Music Technician | |
Mr R Harris | Site Officer | |
Mrs R Hodgson | Resources Manager/Lead First Aider | hchs_firstaid@emmausmac.com |
Mrs F Griffin | Attendance Officer | attendance_hchs@emmausmac.com |
Mrs S O'Brien | Admissions Coordinator | admissions_hchs@emmausmac.com |
Mrs H Orchard | Resources Manager/Lead First Aider | hchs_firstaid@emmausmac.com |
Ms N Muflahi | Reprographics/First Aid Assistant | resources_hchs@emmausmac.com |
Mrs A Kozakowska | Examinations Assistant | exams_hchs@emmausmac.com |
Miss K Partridge | Art and Technology Technician | |
Mrs P Sherwood | Examinations Officer | exams_hchs@emmausmac.com |
Mrs S Sunderland | Learning Support Assistant | |
Mr L Thomas | Lay Chaplain | lthomas@emmausmac.com |
Mrs K Whitehouse | Learning Support Assistant | |
IT Support Team | ||
Mr K Osborne | ICT Technician | |
Mr D Patel | ICT Technician | |
Casual Staff | ||
Mrs A Morley | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs C Addis | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs C McHale | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs C Saich | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs D Sherif-Latif | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs J Ram | Examination Invigilator | |
Mr J Austin | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs J Colesby | Examination Invigilator | |
Mr J Langford | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs M Dawe | Examination Invigilator | |
Mr M Shakeshaft | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs K Dowdeswell | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs L Farley | Examination Invigilator | |
Ms A Maher | Examination Invigilator | |
Ms J Stanton | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs J Hardy | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs A Tudor | Examination Invigilator | |
Ms K Bache | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs K Jeavons | Examination Invigilator | |
Mr R Morley | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs R Olley | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs S Cutler | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs S Morgan | Examination Invigilator | |
Mrs S Shaw | Examination Invigilator | |
Miss K Worton | Examination Invigilator | |