School Uniform and Standards

Hagley Catholic High School holds high expectations and standards for all students. We encourage a professional environment, preparing our young people for the world of work and employability.
As a school, we have a long-standing reputation in the local community for being an establishment that is well respected for our standards. It is a requirement therefore that all our students wear their uniform as directed to do so by the school’s uniform policy and in turn are encouraged to wear it with pride marking their distinct identity as part of the Hagley Catholic High School community.
We promote both professional conduct and presentation and do not believe that ‘fashion’ or ‘trends’ should influence the school uniform. The wearing of uniform removes opportunities for peer pressure and bullying. All students are dressed to the same professional standard. Although the initial expense of a school uniform may be costly, over time it is more affordable, avoids conflict and is more manageable both for the students and their parents.
Wearing of the school uniform correctly is the responsibility of all members of the school community. All form tutors will check that student uniform is correct at the start of the day and then staff will continue to monitor that standards are being maintained as the day progresses. Students can expect to be challenged if they fail to adhere to the school’s Uniform Policy.
Any member of staff (teaching or non-teaching) is empowered to reinforce the expected standards of uniform whilst a student is representing Hagley Catholic High School, so that any issues can be resolved quickly and effectively. The Principal will have the final say on any ongoing uniform discrepancies and students not conforming to the required uniform expectations.
Any deemed extreme or repeated uniform offences after several attempts to rectify the problem, can lead to more serious intervention strategies being put in place.
Examples (non-exhaustive) of when these interventions may occur include –
- Blazers - Blazers are to be worn at all times around school and not carried in student's bags or arms. The school blazer must have the Hagley Catholic High School badge on it. A school jumper cannot be worn as a replacement for the blazer. Staff will challenge any student who is not wearing their blazer.
- Skirts - The school skirt MUST always be worn to the knee and NEVER rolled up. Staff will challenge any student wearing their skirt incorrectly.
- Piercings - Only one small stud is permitted in each ear lobe. Looped or fashion earrings are NOT allowed. Nose or additional ear piercings are NOT allowed, including the use of clear studs. Students will be expected to remove any additional piercings immediately.
- Jewellery - Bracelets, chains and rings are NOT to be worn at any time in school. Jewellery will be confiscated if worn.
- Trainers - Students are not permitted to wear sport branded footwear. Certain sports brands are advertising some footwear in their ranges as school shoes, but these do not meet our standards for formal smart shoes. Trainers are NOT part of the school uniform and students will be required to change them. The school will provide replacement shoes, until a change of footwear can take place.
- Socks - Girls are NOT to wear socks over the top of their tights and boys are NOT to wear white socks at any time.
- Nails and Eyes - Nail varnish/false nails/false eyelashes are NOT allowed. Students will be expected to remove them immediately.
- Coats - All coats or jackets must be dark in colour (preferably navy or black) with NO colour deviation. Hoodies are NOT allowed in school as either an outer jacket or under blazers. If worn, they will be confiscated. Coat hoods are only to be worn up if it is raining, but otherwise they must be down - especially inside the school building.
- Hats, scarves, snoods and gloves - All of these items must be dark in colour (preferably navy or black). All of these accessory items MUST be removed once in the school building.
- Haircuts - Unnatural colours: skin fades and lines in hair or eyebrows are NOT allowed at any time.
Full details of the varying levels of intervention are outlined within the school Behaviour for Learning Policy.
Agreement and Communications
We ask for and expect the full support of parents/carers in maintaining a high standard of dress and presentation from all students attending Hagley Catholic High School. From time to time, certain items of uniform might get misplaced or need replacing. If this is the case, we request that communication is made with the school office immediately to inform us and that an acceptable timescale is set for when the issue will be resolved.
Students will be informed and reminded about uniform expectations through assemblies and tutor time presentations. These expectations will then be reinforced via the student organiser and all classroom teachers. Parents/carers will be informed of the uniform expectations at the Year 6 Transition events and via the School website; Principals newsletters; the student organiser and at parent information evenings.
School Uniform Links