"St Nicholas Owen make this school a safe refuge"
As a school, we are committed to the idea that all teachers are teachers of SEND and by working together we can create a holistic learning experience that provides the cognitive, spiritual and social nourishment all our young people need to flourish. We believe that each child is unique, being created in God’s likeness, each with his/her own gifts and talents.
SEN Policy and Information Report
Since September 2014, all schools are expected to publish a document to help parents and careers of children and young people with Special Educational needs and Disabilities (SEND) understand what services they and their families can expect from the school and a range of local agencies.
The document, known as the SEN Policy and Information Report, should help you understand how the system works, and how the local authority, local area and the school will support both your child and your family.
Our SEN Policy and Information Report can be found below, along with our Accessibility Plan.
The Hagley Hub
The Hub is our separate and safe space for all learners to access when they need emotional or educational support. It is a separate building, in the center of the school. This well used provision includes: 1-2-1 learning support, intervention, mentoring, meetings and emotional support. This special and well used space accommodates a range of alternative learning materials, designed to stimulate and support our SEND learners.
See the link below for what out young people say
Local Authority Information
At Hagley Catholic High School we work with several Local Authorities; each have a statutory duty to produce a ‘Local Offer’, outlining the support available for young people with SEND. Each Local Offer provides comprehensive, accessible up to date information about provision and how to access it. The provision is designed to respond to local need and aspirations.
Please click on the links below to see each of the Local Offers from our partner authorities.
How does the Local Offer differ from the School's SEN Policy and Information Report?
Use the flowchart below to help you understand the purpose of the Local Offer, SEND Information Report and SEND Policy.


Ms N. Hackett
Assistant Principal: Safeguarding, Mental Health, Inclusion & Designated Safeguarding Lead & SENCO

Miss M. Cleland
Safeguarding & Inclusion Officer

Miss J Todd
Safeguarding Governor

Mrs K. Whitehouse
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs S. Sunderland
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs C. Barnham
Learning Support Assistant

Miss J Jhamet
Assistant SENCO