Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Provision
At Hagley Catholic High School, enrichment and extra-curricular activities are an integral part of our school ethos. They provide students with an opportunity to enhance their personal development within a particular area of school life as well as improve levels of self-esteem and self-worth.
Enrichment and extra-curricular activities are planned as an opportunity to extend all students' learning experience in the classroom and the wider community. As a school, we fully understand that there are areas of learning that are not easily accessible within the restraints of a 'normal' school day, so therefore aim to offer these 'extra' opportunities through various types of provision delivered by school staff, external providers and independent clubs - all with a view to increasing the range of experiences that our students have, enabling them to make informed choices for adult life.
Extra-curricular activities and clubs are available to all students, subject to guidance from staff and should in turn reflect the Catholic ethos and values of the school, especially those of being Compassionate and Loving.
At Hagley Catholic High School, we offer a varied and challenging program of clubs and extra-curricular activities for students in all areas of school life. Through these activities we encourage students to try a new sport, learn new skills and qualities - such as using their own initiative, interpersonal skills, independence of thought, problem solving, project management, having a positive attitude and working well in a team, all of which are very important life skills. Many students will also regularly contribute to the Catholic ethos of our school life, by offering their time willingly to support our charity and volunteer work. Participation in extra-curricular activities helps to build confidence, well-being, and creativity within our students, helping to form well-rounded individuals.
There is an extensive menu of extra-curricular activities on offer including exceptional Arts and sporting provision with opportunities to take part in workshops, field trips and research. We also offer students the chance to experience different cultures and experiences through our range of national and international trips and visits, to educational venues linked to curricular areas.
Theatre trips, debating sessions, visits to exhibitions and museums plus excursions to local colleges and universities also occur regularly and provide further opportunities for students to enrich and extend their learning beyond the classroom. We have a broad range of experiences on offer from: STEM clubs and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award to many different music and dance groups; students readily enjoy these experiences and relish the unique opportunities that they are given to extend and expand their learning. We also field many teams in a range of sports and students participate regularly in Dudley Schools Competitions and tournaments, competing at a variety of levels.
Extracurricular Provision (Click on the images for more details about or offer)