Character & Culture, Personal Development and Formation Programme
Hagley Catholic High School is committed to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all students, underpinned by our Catholic ethos and values, with a strong focus on pastoral care.
Students are placed into one of six house groups and meet daily with their form tutor, who provides a strong link between home and school. The form tutor is supported by a committed pastoral team who provide additional support in looking after students’ wellbeing, as well as provision offered through the hub.
Once a week during extended tutor time, students complete a programme of Character and Culture education. Character and Culture is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, prepare them for life and work in modern Britain and to reflect on their own beliefs and those of others.
Students explore cultural respect and what it means to live in a diverse society, an awareness of democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty, careers, relationships and engage in charitable and fundraising initiatives to help them become responsible and active citizens.
Each form has two elected ‘Voice’ representatives, Hagley’s version of the student council, who meet regularly to discuss issues such as Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development and Catholic Life.
We believe the holistic approach to a child’s education beyond the academic helps to challenge students to achieve their personal best and prepare them to make discerning choices for their future to live happy and successful lives.

Character and Culture aims to support students’ spiritual, moral social and cultural development by encouraging them to become responsible, respectful, active global citizens who contribute positively to their communities and wider society. The curriculum is delivered through tutor time, assemblies, and workshops, to support students in understanding fundamental British values, health education, relationships and sex education, first aid, financial literacy and careers, so that they are equipped to make informed and discerning choices regarding their futures. Students will develop skills of thinking critically, being curious about the world in which they live, participate in fundraising and other responsible activities, and understand how to stay safe and healthy as they journey towards adulthood.