Praise and Rewards
A school ethos of positive relationships, high expectations and encouragement is central to the promotion of good behaviour. Rewards are one way of achieving such behaviour. They have a motivational role in helping students to realise that good behaviour is valued and are clearly defined in the procedures. Integral to the systems of rewards is an emphasis on praise both informal and formal to individuals and groups. In addition, our online system provides teaching staff oportunities to recognise postive actions by students, give praise and award House Points.
Recognition and praise is also noted via letters and postcards to parents and carers, reference to praise and achievements in the Principal's newsletter or through phone calls home from pastoral staff.
All praise is awarded through Arbor and has a direct connection to our School Values. We reward our students for demonstrating the key values we wish them to carry through into society and live as one of God's children
During termly awards assemblies, students are recognised for the number of Arbor House Points they have accumulated throughout the term, their commitment to attendance and their commitment to the Catholic life of the school, to name a few.
In addition, we hold termly rewards afternoons, an annual Awards Evening and offer trips in recognition of achievement or contribution to school life.
An overview of our Praise and Rewards System is outlined below.