Our Religious Education Department
All students at Hagley Catholic High School follow a taught course of Religious Education. The Department is made up by six specialist teachers who are fully committed to both RE and the Catholic Life of the school:
- Mr P Farley - Head of Department - pfarley@emmausmac.com
- Ms A Price - Assistant Subject Leader for RE in charge of years 8 and 9 - aprice@emmausmac.com
- Mrs C Kirk - Teacher of RE ckirk@emmausmac.com
- Mr A Sommerville - Teacher of RE - asommerville@emmausmac.com
- Mr J Hodgson - Principal and Teacher of RE - jhodgson@emmausmac.com
- Mrs McCole - Person in Charge of Catholic Life and Teacher of RE - JSMcCole@emmausmac.com
- Mrs Oliver - Teacher of RE - POliver@emmausmac.com
Curriculum Aims
Through RE, students will develop a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ who they first encounter through the life of the school in the celebration of sacraments, encounters with staff and other students and prayer. Students will leave having been presented with an authentic view of the Church’s teachings which enables them to make sense of the world and their own faith journey. Religion shapes politics, art, culture, law, economics and international relations. A lack of religious literacy can lead to intolerance, hatred, sectarianism, racism, conflict and war. Teachers at Hagley aim to develop students who are religiously literate thus enabling them to reflect spiritually and think ethically and theologically about life and the complexities of the world's issues including war, abortion, relationships, climate change and euthanasia.