The Voice
What is The Voice?
The Voice is the student council of the school and is made up of elected representatives from each form group. Its members meet on a regular basis to contribute to the development of the school by representing the student body.
The Voice provides opportunities for students to actively explore and develop British values: democracy, tolerance and mutual respect, individual liberty and rule of law. The Voice is divided into smaller committees, who each take responsibility for one of the following areas of school life.
- Quality of Education
- Behaviour and Attitudes
- Personal Development
- Catholic Life
Quality of Education
Members of the Voice review and develop whole school teaching and learning initiatives which impact upon achievement and assessment focusing on:
- Target setting and reviewing progress
- Use of school planners and systems
- Raising aspirations: Looking to the future
Behaviour and Attitudes
Members of the Voice help to promote a culture where all students feel safe and display positive attitudes focusing on:
- Safeguarding
- Anti-Bullying
- Praise and behaviour systems including student rewards
Personal Development
Members of the Voice help to support students’ broader development focusing on:
- The Character and Culture and PIXL Edge programmes
- Relationships, Sex and Health Education
- Careers and Destinations
Catholic Life
Members of the Voice support students to become responsible, respectful and active citizens who contribute positively to society focusing on:
- Collective Worship
- The Catholic Life of the School
- Charity and Social Outreach initiatives